Friday, October 18, 2019

The Development of Organisation Theory Assignment

The Development of Organisation Theory - Assignment Example In most organizations, the leading forces impinging on role performance are social or symbolic rather than economic. Although the social significance of the workgroup to individual workers was first reported in the studies of factory workers, recent research shows that the significance of informal work groups is much greater for individuals in high-status positions than those in low-status positions. Management-level employees are more likely to go through social and geographical mobility, which cuts them off from their parents, their place of birth and their friends. As a result, they are inclined to depend greatly on social relationships established at their workplace (Henderson 1996). To the extent that co-workers have become an important reference group for employees, one would expect them to support one another. Abraham Maslow’s (1950) theory of a hierarchy of human needs suggests needs categorized in the following ascending order; (1) physiological, (2) safety, (3) love, (4) esteem, and (5) self-actualization. Under this theory, the type and level of need for work-group appreciation are influenced by the type and level of which the needs are being satisfied by individuals external to the workplace. However, a certain amount of safety and esteem from one’s colleagues, managers and subordinates are crucial for successful functioning within any organization. For this reason, the major focus of managers should be on creating and maintaining good human relations in the workplace (Luthans 2010). Due to the recent technological progress, there is generally a shortage of significant interaction among culturally diverse employees. There is also a deficiency of affection in a number of the homes of workers. Human relations demand employers develop closer personal relationships in their organizations.  

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