Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Computer Based Training vs.Instructor Lead Training Term Paper

Computer Based Training vs.Instructor Lead Training - Term Paper Example The information provided will base on facts and previous researches. A conclusion will be based on information the essay provides. The aim of the essay is to determine the effectiveness of various modes of training and recommend on which mode is to be applied while undertaking training both as a student and as a faculty in general. Every school wants to have a competitive advantage and the result is the introduction of various training modes. The two modules contain various similarities in that the outcome will always depend on the set of guideline that is designed in the curriculum. The similarities include the learning objective, which in any cases is aimed at passing information to students, and develop graduates that are competitive in the market (Moyer, 2003). The institutional goals and mission guide this principle. The other similarity is the structure and layout, what is taught is similar this includes the three principles of learning which include acquiring, demonstration and assessment. Acquiring entails the passing of knowledge to the students and the mode of training is what creates demonstration. The two combine to create a learning environment that is conducive. The assessment is always in two forms, the continuous assessments, which majorly includes the course work and the final assessment that combines every element of the course. The three are similar in both computer-based training and instructor led tr aining. There exists the issue of accessibility in which the mode provides for readily available information. When enrolling one can do so at any given time of the learning calendar contrary to the other mode in which enrollment is done on a specified date. The issue of distance and travelling challenges are dealt with by this mode of training, in that one can acquire knowledge and be assessed online without visiting the training facility. The accessibility issue can also be applied to the working students where they

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