Friday, October 4, 2019

Research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Research Paper Example These x-rays are produced by neutron stars or extremely hot objects and a few radioactive sources. Moreover, in the medical field, x-rays are used to treat cancers, and that while soft x-rays are stopped by air, hard x-rays can penetrate deeply into the damaged tissue (â€Å"The Electromagnetic Spectrum†). Nevertheless, one distinguishing feature of x-rays in its use in geophysics is that through x-ray images of the sun, one can obtain important clues with regard to solar flares and other physical changes in the sun that can affect space weather and Earth weather. (De Lloyd) Ultraviolet Rays Aside from the practical uses of UV in detecting forged bank notes, hardening certain types of dental filling and sterilization of surgical equipment in hospitals (â€Å"Ultra Violet†), this kind of light is also placed on UV telescopes on satellites in order to measure the amount of UV coming from stars, galaxies and the Sun itself. Moreover, astronomers can study stars and galaxie s by virtue of the UV light that they give off (â€Å"Ultraviolet Waves,† NASA). ... In the portable spectrometer, UV light is used with all the visible light as well as Near Infrared light. (â€Å"Observing the Earth†) Visible Rays Aside from its most practical purpose, which is to allow the eyes to view the world, visible light, it is also used for communication, specifically in the â€Å"transport [of] huge volumes of information over very large distances† by means of internal reflection in optical fibers (Emery). Moreover, visible red, green and blue false color assignments are used to reflect radiant energy emitted by the Earth’s surface and atmosphere. Specifically, visible blue light from 0.45 to 0.52  µm is used for mapping details of how deep water-covered areas are, considering that it is the most absorbed wavelength of water. Visible blue light is also utilized by the Landsat TM satellite sensor as spectral band 1 (â€Å"An Introduction to Remote Sensing,† Yale University). Landsat TM is a satellite sensor that detects changes in the biosphere such as wildfires, deforestation and natural calamities and such data on these changes will be provided to concerned institutions including the government, the education sector as well as commercial and industrial communities. (â€Å"Landsat Multispectral Scanner†) Visual green light, on the other hand, from 0.50 to 0.60  µm is also used to map out depth or the presence of sediment in bodies of water. Roads and buildings can also be detected by this particular bandwidth. In satellite sensors, visible green light is used as spectral band 1 in the Landsat MSS, as band 2 in Landsat TM, and as another band in Landsat ETM+. These Landsat satellite sensors aid in the detection of

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