Friday, October 25, 2019

Men, What Are We :: essays research papers

Men, what are we? Men, is described as a mammal, a vertebrates. Rabbit, cow, are also mammals but they follow a rule. They exist with the ecosystem in a unique balance, food web that is determined from producers to 1st order consumer, to 2nd . 1st orders being the herbivore like rabbit. 2nd the predators, fox. Because of the food web the population of a species are well balanced. They now how and when to stop, in growth of a population. But men deny the term mammal. We cry havoc into the world of order and destroy anything that gets in our way. We seek riches and high society. We burn forest after forest, crippling the land once rich, and full of life. Just to produce paper when it can be harvested using hash. To use the land for cattle for 3 year when it could of lived till end of the world it self. What are we? Over the history of time there is the losers and the winners. There have been wars, hatred of different colors of skin. This kind of behavior is seen in the apes, they fight to keep their stasis, show cruelty to others. But they never kill there own. They throw them into exile for a month and they can be reentered into the â€Å"family†. The ape (gorillas) is trying to survive and give the best gene to the next line of youth. We also do that. But that doesn’t explain the cruel behavior to â€Å"unusual† people. We are developed mostly with love, from our families and we hate. We all went though when we were bugged, and battered. Yet, when the time comes and the table has turned to another, we join and show cruelty. There is no animal that behaves like us. Men are trying to survive to, get good job, and give the beast for family. In nature more likely then less there is a born instinct, instinct to eat, run, and swim up the river when time to lay eggs, and instinc t to kill. No matter what there is an individual whom lived in a good family, good life, had all wanted and more. Loving family, and friends. Who become killers for fun, mantle maybe. But most are described as natural born killer. The fact of natural born killer is still deviated, wither the gene can carry a killer, to they are good people but the nurture was bad.

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