Friday, May 31, 2019

black and white :: essays research papers

Change as changing times and techology................. People often use theseterms without realizing that word CHANGE has neither a denotation nor aconnotation of advancement,improvement or progress a change can takeplace at any direction forward, backward, up and downward In common,plain English, speaker is required to specify the condition and direction ofChange as the expressions ar used to define the changing subject matter asin "change for the better" "change for the worse" Those who promote andseek change in society, by their misuse of the word CHANGE, mostly willmisrepresent their agenda or program for change in existing conditions andstations of their community. Beware when you hear the talk of changingsociettyI am going to hold open this paper through the eyes of someone else, who had a impact on my life. As it made me realize the number of different shipway people are being taught about a specific issue. It was at the beginning of my freshmen semester, I went into a classroom without the intentions of it having any impact of my life. What I did not know was that this shape held not only a vision for the future but also answers to my past.Growing up, I was influenced by a society that was inhabited almost solo by blacks. For that reason only, I have been completely aware of any bias or unfair treatment to minorities. Because of this upbringing, I found many incidences discussed in this one class I was in quite believable. However, my views on our society and the educational system have been broadened which leads me to believe that the teachers of the future now have the strike to a fair, unbias education for each student that enters the school. As she seen me in class, and I seen the curiousty in those blue eyes, I knew it was only time before we were going to leaven the differences in our lives as well as our values, As time went on we learned that we shared some of the same hurdles growing up. The death of a sibling as well as the experience at multiple schools as "the new student" are just a few of the ways in me and her that were quite similar. As many people know, dealing with issues like this can be quite hazardous to how a young child develops into a functioning adult. She would say to me, the course discussions and lectures that I experienced had a dynamic impact on my personal beliefs and values.

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