Tuesday, May 28, 2019

A computer system consists of hardware and software. :: Computer Science

A computer system consists of hardware and software.A computer system consists of hardware and software. Hardwareis theequipment, which makes up the computer system. Hardware consists of- Input devices such as keyboard, mouse, joystick- The Central Processing Unit (CPU)- Output devices such as a printer, monitor, graph machinator- Backing storage devices such as disc drive, hard drive- Media such as discs, tapes, paper etcThere is hardware that I used is shiner Keyboard Printer MonitorA tracker stumblebum mouse====================A tracker orb mouse is an input device and similar to a mouse but the puffiness is set into a cup on the top of the unit. A finger or, on largertracker balls the palm of the hand, is used to roll the ball in bothdirection. The ball controls the movement of the pointer on the cover charge. Buttons on the tracker ball work in the same way as mousebutons to activate processes on the screen. My choice of using amouse with a tracker ball would be a mouse with out a tracker ball.Benefit========* A tracker ball does not require a large flat surface.Drawbacks==========* Most people find them a bit fiddly* Not accurate* Not quietALTERNATIVE Mouse without a tracker ball=========================================The pointer on the monitor screen mirrors the movement of the mouse bythe users hand. Under the mouse is a ball, which rolls as the mouseis moved. This movement of he ball causes two shafts to rotate insidethe mouse one shaft records the movement in the north-south directionand the other shaft records the east-west movement. When the screenpointer is over a0n flick or menu selection, the mouse button can beclicked, double clicked or dragged to activate a process. Some mice project a small wander as well as the buttons. The function of the wheeldepends on the software being used on the computer in a document, itcan offer the user to scroll up and down in a desktop publishingpackage, it might enable the user to zoom in and out of the pa ge. all overa period of time, the performance of the mouse can deteriorate as theball and shafts collect dust and dirt. Some modern mice use a let downbeam and detector to register movements instead off the mouse ball.Many mice now use infrared or wireless links to the computer, whichremoves the need to have a connecting cable.Benefit========* It is easy and convenient to use* It is inexpensive* Most modern software includes an option to use it.* It selects a position on the screen more quickly than is possible

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