Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Factory Farming Is The Most Valuable Resource On Earth

Drought, Deforestation, pollution of waterways and air pollution; All of these things are thought to be caused by human actions. In recent years, researchers have found that one action seems to be a heavy effector, Factory farms. Although factory farming may seem like the solution to feeding our ever-growing population, the negatives outweigh the positives. Factory farming is largely referred to as Big Ag. Big Ag is the mass production of both animals and vegetables for human consumption. Raising as many animals as you can to make as much profit as you can, is not a new idea. In 1927, the first factory farm appeared on the scene. This farm raised an overwhelming amount of chickens but still didn’t compare to the factory farms today. Today, factory farms do whatever it takes to make the most amount of money without thinking of the results. Water is arguably the most valuable resource on earth. We use it to drink, cook, bathe and grow agriculture. Charles Fishman, author of The Big Thirst, draws attention to the fact that â€Å"the amount of water in the world is the same, too. Fossil fuels get burned and are gone forever. Water remains.† If Fishman is true than why are we suddenly hearing about droughts in California or that scientists are being called to arms to find a way to recycle water quickly. Well, the answer lies in our usage. Before you start looking up simple life style changes like taking a quicker shower or putting a brick in your toilet let’s find out where allShow MoreRelatedHuman Over Use of Water1237 Words   |  5 Pagesbasic needs. Two most significant dangers to global water stability are the increase in Population groundwater reduction. In the last century, the human population has by 5 billion. , while the total amount of drinkable water has slightly decreased see figure 1(Alois 1). Figure 1 A. 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