Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Jazz History Concert Report On The Concert - 1638 Words

Jazz History Concert Report The date of the concert was October 5, 2016 and the title of the concert is â€Å"Experimental Improvisation with: Kjell Nordeson Peter Kuhn†. The concert was performed in Mesa College Music building. Peter Kuhn had three instruments with him a bass clarinet, saxophone, and a Bb Clarinet. He used the bass clarinet and the saxophone during his first piece, and the clarinet on the second piece. Kjell Nordeson was on the drum but had a lot of instruments with him. Sometimes he would play the drums as a drums set but sometimes he would put some sort of objects on top of the drum to create different sound effects. He also had a small glockenspiel and a flexatone. The concert hall was very simple, had a†¦show more content†¦It is a formless music, but because the performers are quite literally composing in the moment, there were three noticeable sections in the piece. The first part was developing an idea, slowly getting used to each other’s sounds, sometimes gentl e and sometime aggressive. Beginning of the improvisation the drumbeat is simple but rather random. There is no set pattern that I could find, but the tom-tom pattern was rather similar so I think that was the main motif. The bass clarinet also started an idea, a 6-note pattern downward without any tonal center. He slowly develops this idea by playing a similar patters, or sequence, to concrete the idea for the audience but slightly mutating the motif little by little each time he plays it. He never plays the same way again. As the bass clarinet gets more active by increasing the amount of notes played and the intensity of the tone, the drum slowly matches the bass clarinet in aggressiveness. The drum plays very sudden loud snare drum occasionally, creating tension in the music with already atonal bass clarinet. Then the drummer starts to put a cymbal and a pad on two different drums to create a very dull thick sound. The bass clarinet and the drum both simultaneously becomes very a ggressive, loud, and complex at this point. Bass clarinet sounds very similar to a saxophone at this point. The drummer stillShow MoreRelatedMusic Appreciation961 Words   |  4 PagesMusic Appreciation Radio Report Instead of attending a concert and writing a concert report, I decided to do the radio report. On April 24, 2007, I listened to the station WWOZ 90.7 FM from seven to eight p.m. It was hosted by Jivin Jean and Neal. The theme of that session was the 50s Rhythm and Blues. Because the Jazz Fest is approaching, they decided to feature some of the artists that would be performing. In which they varied from Percy Sledge to the Fister Sisters. 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