Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Jazz History Concert Report On The Concert - 1638 Words

Jazz History Concert Report The date of the concert was October 5, 2016 and the title of the concert is â€Å"Experimental Improvisation with: Kjell Nordeson Peter Kuhn†. The concert was performed in Mesa College Music building. Peter Kuhn had three instruments with him a bass clarinet, saxophone, and a Bb Clarinet. He used the bass clarinet and the saxophone during his first piece, and the clarinet on the second piece. Kjell Nordeson was on the drum but had a lot of instruments with him. Sometimes he would play the drums as a drums set but sometimes he would put some sort of objects on top of the drum to create different sound effects. He also had a small glockenspiel and a flexatone. The concert hall was very simple, had a†¦show more content†¦It is a formless music, but because the performers are quite literally composing in the moment, there were three noticeable sections in the piece. The first part was developing an idea, slowly getting used to each other’s sounds, sometimes gentl e and sometime aggressive. Beginning of the improvisation the drumbeat is simple but rather random. There is no set pattern that I could find, but the tom-tom pattern was rather similar so I think that was the main motif. The bass clarinet also started an idea, a 6-note pattern downward without any tonal center. He slowly develops this idea by playing a similar patters, or sequence, to concrete the idea for the audience but slightly mutating the motif little by little each time he plays it. He never plays the same way again. As the bass clarinet gets more active by increasing the amount of notes played and the intensity of the tone, the drum slowly matches the bass clarinet in aggressiveness. The drum plays very sudden loud snare drum occasionally, creating tension in the music with already atonal bass clarinet. Then the drummer starts to put a cymbal and a pad on two different drums to create a very dull thick sound. The bass clarinet and the drum both simultaneously becomes very a ggressive, loud, and complex at this point. Bass clarinet sounds very similar to a saxophone at this point. The drummer stillShow MoreRelatedMusic Appreciation961 Words   |  4 PagesMusic Appreciation Radio Report Instead of attending a concert and writing a concert report, I decided to do the radio report. On April 24, 2007, I listened to the station WWOZ 90.7 FM from seven to eight p.m. It was hosted by Jivin Jean and Neal. The theme of that session was the 50s Rhythm and Blues. Because the Jazz Fest is approaching, they decided to feature some of the artists that would be performing. In which they varied from Percy Sledge to the Fister Sisters. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Brand Engagement A Focus On Brand Communities - 1336 Words

BRAND ENGAGEMENT (WITH A FOCUS ON BRAND COMMUNITIES) Engagement is a term that has been explored in a wide range of academic disciplines, such as organisational behaviour, sociology, political science and psychology. In the context of marketing and business, engagement is represented through â€Å"an individual-spesific, motivational, and context-dependent variable emerging from two-way interactions between relevant engagement subject(s) and object(s)† (Hollebeek 2011). Resnick (2001), claimed that engagement is thought to reveal a development in which the intensity of the engagement may mature over time. Hollebeek (2011) characterised consumer brand engagement as â€Å"the level of an individual consumer’s motivational, brand-related and context-dependent state of mind characterised by specific levels of cognitive, emotional and behavioural activity in direct brand interactions† Further, Anderson (2008) highlighted the importance of consumer engagement in Web 2.0. Again, we are able to draw some ties all the way back to value and co-creation. The increasing bond between brand and consumers are enabled by communication and results in continued brand engagement, especially though social media sites. Engaged consumers exhibit enhanced consumer loyalty, satisfaction, empowerment, connection, emotional bonding, trust and commitment. The paper concludes with a discussion of implications for practice and further research. (Brodie et al 2010) Social media One of the key features ofShow MoreRelatedSocial Media Networks Essay599 Words   |  3 Pagesindividuals simultaneously when compared to the traditional personal communication, thus, sharing information becomes easier and faster. Furthermore, Social media allows individual to demonstrate their main interests by engaging with brands and lifestyle communities, as well as sharing information and communicating with people with similar interests. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Analysing an advert for a porcelain statue of Gandalf the great Free Essays

Imagine a world without media. Media is a process of communication, information and entertainment. Media consumes everyone’s every day life†¦ it is imposable to avoid! With our ever growing world more and more people are now relaying on media as it pervades our very existence, we may not realize it but media is around us twenty four hours a day, 7 days a week, without media we would be thrown back into the dark ages whether it is from us using the internet or using the phone media is the creator of the world today. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysing an advert for a porcelain statue of Gandalf the great or any similar topic only for you Order Now Advertising is used to achieve many objectives e.g. to persuade, change opinions, maybe you smoke advertising is possible to change your mind. Advertising is also used to manipulate, sell and influence. Advertising, it is a large part of our vast world as it is imposable to escape†¦ it is every where! On the clothes we were, on the bags we carry, almost every item we see or use has some form of advertising on it. There are multiple forms of advertising some of these being: tv,radio,posters,bill boards, leaflets and the internet†¦ 87% of u.k teens ages 12 to 17 currently use the Internet, representing about 21 million youth. Of those, approximately 11 million teens go online on a daily basis. Advertising is a leading multimillion pound business as everyone every where has used this many times. For my assignment, I will be analysing an advert for a porcelain statue of Gandalf the great. The audience of this advert are adults in particular lord of the rings enthusiasts and people who like to collect memorabilia. The character from the book Lord of the Rings (Gandalf) is clearly for adults because the product is a figurine not a toy as if this was given to a child it would be broken. Another way I no that the target audience are adults is the amount of body copy as it would not appeal or interest a child because there is such a shear amount. The final reason i now the consumers are adults are that the order form in the left hand corner has credit card details of which a child could not access. The large body copy of the advertisement has six paragraphs which each have a different aspect. The opening paragraph which initially describes ‘Gandalf’ the character uses linguistic devices such as; alliteration, superlatives and emotive language these are used to influence the consumer to purchase the figurine. The detail in this has continuously been boasted in the body copy ‘guants on his face’. This is such an amazing work of art with meticulous dental therefore it is quality. ‘Painstaking attention to detail’ this shows the making of their product has taken lots of effort and lots of time in order to achieve true quality. Buying this product is a bargain. A once in a life time opportunity their product is high, callibre very cheap just à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½24.99.It is remarkable value for money the word ‘just’ has the connotation of a great offer. The buyer/consumer are also informed that they will receive an officially authorized product which put forth the idea of this not being a cheap imitation, it’s the real deal! The product is also part of a collection which means further opportunity to purchase outstanding products, the fact of there being more collectable products available temps the audience to by the figurine to create a montage. The product is exclusive to ‘Danbury Mint’ this gives the connotation of this being a special offer as it is not available to purchase anywhere else also it has been officially authorized and endorsed by Tolkin. The final paragraph ends with the imperative ‘reserve your sculpture now’ the reader is urged to reserve the product to avoid disappointment as ‘demand is sure to be high’ this implies the product of which is popular. So far I have analyzed the linguistic devices, yet there are presentational devices used to provoke the target audience. The two main forms of the presentational devices are; the huge amount of body copy which is compact with stylistic devices, and the picture of which dominates the page/advert. The picture dominates the advert by the size and that it is symmetrically composed it is prominence. The image is also a mid shot to enable that the consumer is able to see before they buy. This gives the connotation that the producers have great confidence in there product. The producer has used a close up picture to boast the product; ‘fearless expression†¦the lines of his gaunt, aged face†¦his long beard. The producer has used multiple colours for presentational devices used to manipulate the target audience. The green background is soft (subtle) green to enable that the reader is drawn to the image of the statue rather than the background, also this gives the connotation of the green fields and the forests in the book ‘Lord Of The Rings’. The second colour used in this advert is gold which is in the top left hand corner (title box) this makes it eye catching and gives the connotation of the product being expensive (precious) it also gives the connotation of the gold ring which is in the book aswell. The final colour that is used is black and white which is used in the order form these colors are used because they are simple (easy to follow) also so it is intimately hard to make mistakes when purchasing. The gold used in the title box is of which the p.o.a (primary optical area) other than this being eye catching, it displays the title ‘Gandalf’ which provides instant recognisation to any ‘Lord Of The Rings’ fan as he is a key/main character in the book. The title is also in a font of which is antiquated/med evil this provides the connotation of magic, mystic and age†¦ after all ‘Gandalf’ is a wizard. In the bottom right hand of the page we have the terminal area (T.A).’Send no money now!’ This is placed in the T.A because it is the last place the consumer looks therefore the last fixation the consumer remembers. How to cite Analysing an advert for a porcelain statue of Gandalf the great, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Same-sex research paper free essay sample

Same-sex marriage is a controversial topic because lots of people argue that this is a matter of equality and everyone should have the same rights, but there are also people against homosexual marriage such as religious and political people that are fervently opposed to gay marriage, arguing that this will only cause damage. Homosexual marriage is the marriage between people of the same sex, for example a man marrying another man, or a woman marrying another woman. Even though some Americans believe allowing gay couples to marry is against religious beliefs, other people feel that marriage should be allowed to everyone because there is no reason for sex discrimination. Supporters of same-sex marriage feel that homosexual marriage has a positive effect on parenting and promotes equality. To demonstrate, the supporters have been searching for facts to bolster the argument that same-sex couples are good at parenting in spite of the belief of some that children brought up by homosexual couples are psychologically damaged. Supporting same-sex parents, Marianne Mollmann asserts that â€Å"fortunately, it is increasing recognized that it is not exposure to diversity but rather to bigotry and prejudice that is damaging to kids. † Often, people think that kids are psychologically damaged when they are brought up by LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer) people, but kids are damaged when people bully them or treat them badly because they have same-sex parents. But same-sex people are good at parenting. Although we would think that kids that have homosexual parents would not adjust to society, in fact, investigations reveal that kids with homosexual parents adjust to society as well as children that have heterosexual parents. They also have good adjustment during childhood. For healthy development it is essential to have good relationship between the parents and the child or children and modeling a strong relationship between the parents (Mollman). Truly, if the parents of a kid have a good relationship with their child and a good relationship between the parents themselves, the kid will be well-adapted, the same is for same-sex couples. If the kid is growing up with a family that has a good relationship, the kid will be as well-adjusted as the kid that is growing up with the straight family that has good relationship. In fact they will be better adjusted than the children that have straight parents but that are cruel and abusive. Even though somepeople say that same-sex couples should not be allowed to adopt because they are a threat for the kids, â€Å"it seems absurd to even suggest that it would be more beneficial for a child to be raised in an abusive home over that of a loving same-sex couple† ( Kellard). When a kid is raised in an offensive, cruel or abusive family the child can develop psychological problems. Some people think that straight couples are better at parenting than same-sex couples, but the key is to be lovely and kind with kids, and not cruel, offensive or abusive. Moreover, proponents of same-sex wedlock maintain that homosexual people should not be allowed to marry because everyone should have the same rights. Even though people think that homosexuals want to marry just because they are not allowed to, a huge majority of homosexual people, lesbians and gay couples, desire they could have the liberty to marry the person they want for the same random reasons as heterosexual people (Wolfson). There are mix of reasons why nongay people want to marry, and similarly same-sex couples want the right to marry the person they choose. They should have the same rights as everyone. Even more, same sex couples have the same obligations with society â€Å"homosexuals and lesbians are tax-paying, law abiding citizens and deserve the same rights and legal protection as every other citizens of the United States† (Mollman). Homosexual people, like straight people, have to pay taxes and to obey the law; otherwise they would be sent to jail. Since they follow the same rules, homosexuals should have the right to marry as nongay people. Same-sex marriage should also be allowed, because â€Å"there is no good reason for sex discrimination in civil marriage, just as there was no good reason for race discrimination in civil marriage a generation ago(Kellard ). Similar to race discrimination, when colored people were discriminated, just because their skin color, and there was no good reason for bigotry. Now homosexuals are confronting almost the same type of discrimination, because there is no reason why should this be happening. Although advocates of same-sex marriage argue that homosexual marriage boost good parenting and equality, it is also true that same-sex marriage is a threat to religious principles and social behavior. Opponents to same-sex marriage feel like homosexual marriage is a threat for religion and that this would damage our society. For example, adversaries tohomosexual marriage affirm that is this type of marriage is approved would create a threat for religious beliefs and for marriage itself. James Heiser argues that â€Å"same sex marriage and gay families violate the teachings of Christianity. † For example, Christianity teaches that God has created marriage for woman and man that love each other, to create a family. Now same-sex union is breaking with the concept of marriage and family as the religion teaches. Furthermore, homosexual marriage would cause some effects â€Å"that would include fewer people marrying, fewer sexually faithful relationships, more divorces, fewer children being raised by a mother and a father, a falling birth rate and demands for recognition of polygamy as a legitimate form of marriage† breaking religious beliefs (Spring). In fact if same-sex marriage is approved, this would cause that people now are going to see marriage like such a little thing that they wouldn’t want to marry and marriage will lose the importance that it used to have. Truly, marriage is different now from what it used to be years ago, and we need to contest to retake the dignity, seriousness and relevance that marriage used to have, for our people marriage has lost the sparkle that years ago used to have (Dolan). Marriage used to be a crucial decision for man and woman, because this would change their lives completely, and now with same-sex marriage people don’t want to take this as serious and important as it used to be. In addition, opponents of same-sex marriage argue that homosexual unions will affect our society and the way our society used to be. In fact, gay marriage is changing the way people are and acts, â€Å"homosexual ‘marriage’ hand over society just like a hammer with the force of law. And, it is only just began† (Comenker). This have just started to be accepted and already is changing our society, like the way gay couples go around holding hands and kissing in front of everybody, like these were the more normal things, even when kids are around. Certainly, parents have to decide the way their kids are going to be taught, â€Å"think about that: because same-sex marriage is ‘legal’ a federal judge has ruled that the schools now have a duty to portray homosexual relationships as normal to children, despite what parents think or believe† (â€Å"Gay families are changing society for the Worse†). Now because gay marriage is approved kids see homosexual couples dating, kissing or holding hands and parents cannot do anything, or say anything about it because now same-sex marriage is law approved even if the parents approvethis or not. Now with this approved society will change completely, â€Å"citing ‘the right to marry’ as one of the ‘important challenges’ in a place where ‘it is a great time to be gay’, the Massachusetts department of Public Health helped produce ‘Little Black Book Queer in the 21st century’ a hideous work of obscene pornography [th at] was given to kids at Brookline High School† (â€Å"Gay families are changing society for the Worse†). In fact, now with homosexual marriage approved in some states, homosexuals feel like this is the most normal thing and that they should celebrate, like the book they are giving to kids without parents’ permission just because homosexual marriage is legal. Although approving people think homosexual marriage is against religious view, other people believe that marriage should be a right for everyone because there is no reason for sex discrimination. Homosexual couples should be allowed to marry because truly, there is no good reason for sex discrimination and everyone should have the same rights no matter sex, color, religion, race or ethnicity, but homosexuals should have some restrictions, like to not promote this kind of relationship, like they should not give books with homosexual obscenities or giving papers with obscene images to schools or to people in general. They should keep this to themselves.