Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Jazz History Concert Report On The Concert - 1638 Words

Jazz History Concert Report The date of the concert was October 5, 2016 and the title of the concert is â€Å"Experimental Improvisation with: Kjell Nordeson Peter Kuhn†. The concert was performed in Mesa College Music building. Peter Kuhn had three instruments with him a bass clarinet, saxophone, and a Bb Clarinet. He used the bass clarinet and the saxophone during his first piece, and the clarinet on the second piece. Kjell Nordeson was on the drum but had a lot of instruments with him. Sometimes he would play the drums as a drums set but sometimes he would put some sort of objects on top of the drum to create different sound effects. He also had a small glockenspiel and a flexatone. The concert hall was very simple, had a†¦show more content†¦It is a formless music, but because the performers are quite literally composing in the moment, there were three noticeable sections in the piece. The first part was developing an idea, slowly getting used to each other’s sounds, sometimes gentl e and sometime aggressive. Beginning of the improvisation the drumbeat is simple but rather random. There is no set pattern that I could find, but the tom-tom pattern was rather similar so I think that was the main motif. The bass clarinet also started an idea, a 6-note pattern downward without any tonal center. He slowly develops this idea by playing a similar patters, or sequence, to concrete the idea for the audience but slightly mutating the motif little by little each time he plays it. He never plays the same way again. As the bass clarinet gets more active by increasing the amount of notes played and the intensity of the tone, the drum slowly matches the bass clarinet in aggressiveness. The drum plays very sudden loud snare drum occasionally, creating tension in the music with already atonal bass clarinet. Then the drummer starts to put a cymbal and a pad on two different drums to create a very dull thick sound. The bass clarinet and the drum both simultaneously becomes very a ggressive, loud, and complex at this point. Bass clarinet sounds very similar to a saxophone at this point. The drummer stillShow MoreRelatedMusic Appreciation961 Words   |  4 PagesMusic Appreciation Radio Report Instead of attending a concert and writing a concert report, I decided to do the radio report. On April 24, 2007, I listened to the station WWOZ 90.7 FM from seven to eight p.m. It was hosted by Jivin Jean and Neal. The theme of that session was the 50s Rhythm and Blues. Because the Jazz Fest is approaching, they decided to feature some of the artists that would be performing. In which they varied from Percy Sledge to the Fister Sisters. 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This influenced vocal music, which was popular with the African American population. Hep Harmony which added rhythm and harmony was sung by groups such as The Mills Brothers and the Ink Spots.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Small Swing Bands or Jump Bands featured saxophone soloists and repeated phrases. These city style blues featured singers such as JoeRead MoreChanges in Musical Styles Related to Changes in Human Society1637 Words   |  7 Pages1960s and 1970s. A summary of the research and important findings concerning these issues are provided in the conclusion. Review and Discussion A wide range of events can influence the types of music that are popular during a given period in human history. For instance, Jarque (2012) notes that, Social and economic factors can influence the type of music by defining who plays it and who pays for it. Baroque music results from professional players playing to an educated elite. 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During the year of 1972, Charles A. Lindbergh pioneered a flight across the Atlantic Ocean. Along with the radio, jazz music became really popular. Jazz originated in black communities

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Brand Engagement A Focus On Brand Communities - 1336 Words

BRAND ENGAGEMENT (WITH A FOCUS ON BRAND COMMUNITIES) Engagement is a term that has been explored in a wide range of academic disciplines, such as organisational behaviour, sociology, political science and psychology. In the context of marketing and business, engagement is represented through â€Å"an individual-spesific, motivational, and context-dependent variable emerging from two-way interactions between relevant engagement subject(s) and object(s)† (Hollebeek 2011). Resnick (2001), claimed that engagement is thought to reveal a development in which the intensity of the engagement may mature over time. Hollebeek (2011) characterised consumer brand engagement as â€Å"the level of an individual consumer’s motivational, brand-related and context-dependent state of mind characterised by specific levels of cognitive, emotional and behavioural activity in direct brand interactions† Further, Anderson (2008) highlighted the importance of consumer engagement in Web 2.0. Again, we are able to draw some ties all the way back to value and co-creation. The increasing bond between brand and consumers are enabled by communication and results in continued brand engagement, especially though social media sites. Engaged consumers exhibit enhanced consumer loyalty, satisfaction, empowerment, connection, emotional bonding, trust and commitment. The paper concludes with a discussion of implications for practice and further research. (Brodie et al 2010) Social media One of the key features ofShow MoreRelatedSocial Media Networks Essay599 Words   |  3 Pagesindividuals simultaneously when compared to the traditional personal communication, thus, sharing information becomes easier and faster. Furthermore, Social media allows individual to demonstrate their main interests by engaging with brands and lifestyle communities, as well as sharing information and communicating with people with similar interests. Social media lets consumers to connect with other consumers in a social network. According to Cialdini and Goldstein (2004) social influence fulfilsRead MoreWhy Do You Buy Your Brand? Essay1088 Words   |  5 PagesIf your brand has visually appealing products or a unique story to tell, there cannot be a better stage than Instagram. From luxury brands to media houses to automotives, each have carved a niche of their own and are leveraging Instagram for their businesses. In fact, automotive brands are the most engaged and well-represented. Lot of marketers contemplate whether Instagram can be an effective social media platform for their brand? Even if many marketers want to leverage Instagram for their businessRead MoreMeasuring Customer Engagement On Social Media Essay969 Words   |  4 PagesAccording to previous research quantitative methods and questionnaires, have been used as a tool for measuring customer engagement on social media (Gummerus et al., 2012; Men Tsai, 2014; Bitt er et al., 2014; Kabadayi Price, 2013; Bunker et al., 2013; Weman, 2011). Based on previous studies (Cao et al., 2005; Ou Sia, 2010; Zhang von Dran, 2000), information quality attempts to capture the consumer’s assessment of product and company information on the brand’s official Twitter account thatRead MoreThe Social Marketing Aspects Of Twitter1209 Words   |  5 PagesResearch Project 1: Comparing Brand Project This literature review will mainly discuss some literatures that address on the social marketing aspects of Twitter. With the growing accessibility of the internet, social media does not only change the dynamics of sustaining human relationships (O’ Brien, 2011), but enables consumers to establish a social community within a brand. Businesses center their marketing strategy on social media branding because active engagement implies the domino effects followingRead MoreUsing Photo Sharing From A Global Community Of Over 300 Million Active Users1329 Words   |  6 Pagesphoto sharing app used by a small group of people has exploded into a global community of over 300 million active users. An amazing 70 million photos and videos a day are now shared on Instagram by both consumers and brands. With that many users and activity it not surprising that Instagram is been used daily by savvy marketers to build brand awareness and drive targeted traffic to their websites. 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In 2010, PepsiCo decided to sit out of the Super Bowl commercial to instead focus on a campaign they believed would create a bigger buzz for the company.  According to Public Relations Cases, â€Å"Pepsi believes in optimism and the power of the people to move communities forward. It comes down to a simple reality: people plus

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Analysing an advert for a porcelain statue of Gandalf the great Free Essays

Imagine a world without media. Media is a process of communication, information and entertainment. Media consumes everyone’s every day life†¦ it is imposable to avoid! With our ever growing world more and more people are now relaying on media as it pervades our very existence, we may not realize it but media is around us twenty four hours a day, 7 days a week, without media we would be thrown back into the dark ages whether it is from us using the internet or using the phone media is the creator of the world today. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysing an advert for a porcelain statue of Gandalf the great or any similar topic only for you Order Now Advertising is used to achieve many objectives e.g. to persuade, change opinions, maybe you smoke advertising is possible to change your mind. Advertising is also used to manipulate, sell and influence. Advertising, it is a large part of our vast world as it is imposable to escape†¦ it is every where! On the clothes we were, on the bags we carry, almost every item we see or use has some form of advertising on it. There are multiple forms of advertising some of these being: tv,radio,posters,bill boards, leaflets and the internet†¦ 87% of u.k teens ages 12 to 17 currently use the Internet, representing about 21 million youth. Of those, approximately 11 million teens go online on a daily basis. Advertising is a leading multimillion pound business as everyone every where has used this many times. For my assignment, I will be analysing an advert for a porcelain statue of Gandalf the great. The audience of this advert are adults in particular lord of the rings enthusiasts and people who like to collect memorabilia. The character from the book Lord of the Rings (Gandalf) is clearly for adults because the product is a figurine not a toy as if this was given to a child it would be broken. Another way I no that the target audience are adults is the amount of body copy as it would not appeal or interest a child because there is such a shear amount. The final reason i now the consumers are adults are that the order form in the left hand corner has credit card details of which a child could not access. The large body copy of the advertisement has six paragraphs which each have a different aspect. The opening paragraph which initially describes ‘Gandalf’ the character uses linguistic devices such as; alliteration, superlatives and emotive language these are used to influence the consumer to purchase the figurine. The detail in this has continuously been boasted in the body copy ‘guants on his face’. This is such an amazing work of art with meticulous dental therefore it is quality. ‘Painstaking attention to detail’ this shows the making of their product has taken lots of effort and lots of time in order to achieve true quality. Buying this product is a bargain. A once in a life time opportunity their product is high, callibre very cheap just à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½24.99.It is remarkable value for money the word ‘just’ has the connotation of a great offer. The buyer/consumer are also informed that they will receive an officially authorized product which put forth the idea of this not being a cheap imitation, it’s the real deal! The product is also part of a collection which means further opportunity to purchase outstanding products, the fact of there being more collectable products available temps the audience to by the figurine to create a montage. The product is exclusive to ‘Danbury Mint’ this gives the connotation of this being a special offer as it is not available to purchase anywhere else also it has been officially authorized and endorsed by Tolkin. The final paragraph ends with the imperative ‘reserve your sculpture now’ the reader is urged to reserve the product to avoid disappointment as ‘demand is sure to be high’ this implies the product of which is popular. So far I have analyzed the linguistic devices, yet there are presentational devices used to provoke the target audience. The two main forms of the presentational devices are; the huge amount of body copy which is compact with stylistic devices, and the picture of which dominates the page/advert. The picture dominates the advert by the size and that it is symmetrically composed it is prominence. The image is also a mid shot to enable that the consumer is able to see before they buy. This gives the connotation that the producers have great confidence in there product. The producer has used a close up picture to boast the product; ‘fearless expression†¦the lines of his gaunt, aged face†¦his long beard. The producer has used multiple colours for presentational devices used to manipulate the target audience. The green background is soft (subtle) green to enable that the reader is drawn to the image of the statue rather than the background, also this gives the connotation of the green fields and the forests in the book ‘Lord Of The Rings’. The second colour used in this advert is gold which is in the top left hand corner (title box) this makes it eye catching and gives the connotation of the product being expensive (precious) it also gives the connotation of the gold ring which is in the book aswell. The final colour that is used is black and white which is used in the order form these colors are used because they are simple (easy to follow) also so it is intimately hard to make mistakes when purchasing. The gold used in the title box is of which the p.o.a (primary optical area) other than this being eye catching, it displays the title ‘Gandalf’ which provides instant recognisation to any ‘Lord Of The Rings’ fan as he is a key/main character in the book. The title is also in a font of which is antiquated/med evil this provides the connotation of magic, mystic and age†¦ after all ‘Gandalf’ is a wizard. In the bottom right hand of the page we have the terminal area (T.A).’Send no money now!’ This is placed in the T.A because it is the last place the consumer looks therefore the last fixation the consumer remembers. How to cite Analysing an advert for a porcelain statue of Gandalf the great, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Same-sex research paper free essay sample

Same-sex marriage is a controversial topic because lots of people argue that this is a matter of equality and everyone should have the same rights, but there are also people against homosexual marriage such as religious and political people that are fervently opposed to gay marriage, arguing that this will only cause damage. Homosexual marriage is the marriage between people of the same sex, for example a man marrying another man, or a woman marrying another woman. Even though some Americans believe allowing gay couples to marry is against religious beliefs, other people feel that marriage should be allowed to everyone because there is no reason for sex discrimination. Supporters of same-sex marriage feel that homosexual marriage has a positive effect on parenting and promotes equality. To demonstrate, the supporters have been searching for facts to bolster the argument that same-sex couples are good at parenting in spite of the belief of some that children brought up by homosexual couples are psychologically damaged. Supporting same-sex parents, Marianne Mollmann asserts that â€Å"fortunately, it is increasing recognized that it is not exposure to diversity but rather to bigotry and prejudice that is damaging to kids. † Often, people think that kids are psychologically damaged when they are brought up by LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer) people, but kids are damaged when people bully them or treat them badly because they have same-sex parents. But same-sex people are good at parenting. Although we would think that kids that have homosexual parents would not adjust to society, in fact, investigations reveal that kids with homosexual parents adjust to society as well as children that have heterosexual parents. They also have good adjustment during childhood. For healthy development it is essential to have good relationship between the parents and the child or children and modeling a strong relationship between the parents (Mollman). Truly, if the parents of a kid have a good relationship with their child and a good relationship between the parents themselves, the kid will be well-adapted, the same is for same-sex couples. If the kid is growing up with a family that has a good relationship, the kid will be as well-adjusted as the kid that is growing up with the straight family that has good relationship. In fact they will be better adjusted than the children that have straight parents but that are cruel and abusive. Even though somepeople say that same-sex couples should not be allowed to adopt because they are a threat for the kids, â€Å"it seems absurd to even suggest that it would be more beneficial for a child to be raised in an abusive home over that of a loving same-sex couple† ( Kellard). When a kid is raised in an offensive, cruel or abusive family the child can develop psychological problems. Some people think that straight couples are better at parenting than same-sex couples, but the key is to be lovely and kind with kids, and not cruel, offensive or abusive. Moreover, proponents of same-sex wedlock maintain that homosexual people should not be allowed to marry because everyone should have the same rights. Even though people think that homosexuals want to marry just because they are not allowed to, a huge majority of homosexual people, lesbians and gay couples, desire they could have the liberty to marry the person they want for the same random reasons as heterosexual people (Wolfson). There are mix of reasons why nongay people want to marry, and similarly same-sex couples want the right to marry the person they choose. They should have the same rights as everyone. Even more, same sex couples have the same obligations with society â€Å"homosexuals and lesbians are tax-paying, law abiding citizens and deserve the same rights and legal protection as every other citizens of the United States† (Mollman). Homosexual people, like straight people, have to pay taxes and to obey the law; otherwise they would be sent to jail. Since they follow the same rules, homosexuals should have the right to marry as nongay people. Same-sex marriage should also be allowed, because â€Å"there is no good reason for sex discrimination in civil marriage, just as there was no good reason for race discrimination in civil marriage a generation ago(Kellard ). Similar to race discrimination, when colored people were discriminated, just because their skin color, and there was no good reason for bigotry. Now homosexuals are confronting almost the same type of discrimination, because there is no reason why should this be happening. Although advocates of same-sex marriage argue that homosexual marriage boost good parenting and equality, it is also true that same-sex marriage is a threat to religious principles and social behavior. Opponents to same-sex marriage feel like homosexual marriage is a threat for religion and that this would damage our society. For example, adversaries tohomosexual marriage affirm that is this type of marriage is approved would create a threat for religious beliefs and for marriage itself. James Heiser argues that â€Å"same sex marriage and gay families violate the teachings of Christianity. † For example, Christianity teaches that God has created marriage for woman and man that love each other, to create a family. Now same-sex union is breaking with the concept of marriage and family as the religion teaches. Furthermore, homosexual marriage would cause some effects â€Å"that would include fewer people marrying, fewer sexually faithful relationships, more divorces, fewer children being raised by a mother and a father, a falling birth rate and demands for recognition of polygamy as a legitimate form of marriage† breaking religious beliefs (Spring). In fact if same-sex marriage is approved, this would cause that people now are going to see marriage like such a little thing that they wouldn’t want to marry and marriage will lose the importance that it used to have. Truly, marriage is different now from what it used to be years ago, and we need to contest to retake the dignity, seriousness and relevance that marriage used to have, for our people marriage has lost the sparkle that years ago used to have (Dolan). Marriage used to be a crucial decision for man and woman, because this would change their lives completely, and now with same-sex marriage people don’t want to take this as serious and important as it used to be. In addition, opponents of same-sex marriage argue that homosexual unions will affect our society and the way our society used to be. In fact, gay marriage is changing the way people are and acts, â€Å"homosexual ‘marriage’ hand over society just like a hammer with the force of law. And, it is only just began† (Comenker). This have just started to be accepted and already is changing our society, like the way gay couples go around holding hands and kissing in front of everybody, like these were the more normal things, even when kids are around. Certainly, parents have to decide the way their kids are going to be taught, â€Å"think about that: because same-sex marriage is ‘legal’ a federal judge has ruled that the schools now have a duty to portray homosexual relationships as normal to children, despite what parents think or believe† (â€Å"Gay families are changing society for the Worse†). Now because gay marriage is approved kids see homosexual couples dating, kissing or holding hands and parents cannot do anything, or say anything about it because now same-sex marriage is law approved even if the parents approvethis or not. Now with this approved society will change completely, â€Å"citing ‘the right to marry’ as one of the ‘important challenges’ in a place where ‘it is a great time to be gay’, the Massachusetts department of Public Health helped produce ‘Little Black Book Queer in the 21st century’ a hideous work of obscene pornography [th at] was given to kids at Brookline High School† (â€Å"Gay families are changing society for the Worse†). In fact, now with homosexual marriage approved in some states, homosexuals feel like this is the most normal thing and that they should celebrate, like the book they are giving to kids without parents’ permission just because homosexual marriage is legal. Although approving people think homosexual marriage is against religious view, other people believe that marriage should be a right for everyone because there is no reason for sex discrimination. Homosexual couples should be allowed to marry because truly, there is no good reason for sex discrimination and everyone should have the same rights no matter sex, color, religion, race or ethnicity, but homosexuals should have some restrictions, like to not promote this kind of relationship, like they should not give books with homosexual obscenities or giving papers with obscene images to schools or to people in general. They should keep this to themselves.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Edward Devere - Earl Of Oxford Essays - Kings Men,

Edward Devere - Earl Of Oxford Edward DeVere - Earl of Oxford 1. Was DeVere an aristocrat or a writer? Writing was not a proper this for a gentleman/ aristocrat to do. No courtiers were allowed to write poetry. Because of this rule supposedly many men decided upon a pen name however, running against this rule most aristocrats did publish work throwing out oxfords need for a pen name. Therefore if DeVere did write the famous Shakespearean works the author would be known as DeVere rather than Shakespeare. 2. When did DeVere die? DeVere died in 1604 before the first staging of many of the Shakespearean plays such as; King Lear, MacBeth, Anthony and Cleopatra, Timon of Athens, Coriolanus, Pericles, Cymbeiline, The Winters Tale, The Tempest, and Henry VIII. Bacon however died in 1626 leaving 22 years for more works to be published and staged in his lifetime. 3. Why would someone be given the credit as the writer of only associated with writers and theater companies? DeVere was only associated as knowing people in the theater rather than being known to be involved with the production and writing of them. 4. When the Shakespeare Clinic tested the poetry of Shakespeare against the works of others how well did DeVeres match? not only did none of the works match but DeVeres was the farthest off. 5. How do you explain the 2 works that were ordered by King James in tribute to DeVere and his widow after their deaths? Eight Shakespeare plays were ordered after DeVere death in 1604. Nine years later 14 plays were ordered for DeVeres widows death. .......................................................................................................................................... Isaac Casaubon 1. What was Isaacs profession? He was French classical scholar & theologian (known to be one of the best of his time). 2. What was Isaacs schooling? Until he was 19 he was educated by his father, afterward he was sent to the Academy of Geneva, in 1581 he became a professor of Greek there until 1596. From 1596- 1599 he taught at the University of Montpellier. 3. What was Isaacs relationship with Bacon? He was a close friend of Bacons and proof read at least one of his works. Shakespeare Essays

Monday, November 25, 2019

Should I Go to One of the Big 10 Schools

Should I Go to One of the Big 10 Schools SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The Big Ten is one of the most prestigious intercollegiate athletic conferences in the country. It has 14 member schools, most of which are located in the Midwest. While they’re all unique, Big 10schools have many commonalities and are known for emphasizing both athletics and academics. In this article, I’ll do the following: Give you the names of all of the Big Ten universitiesand provide information about each school Describe the attributes of Big Ten colleges Detail possible advantages and disadvantages of attending a Big Ten school Explain how to decide if you should attend one of the Big Ten schools What Is the Big 10? The Big 10 is one of the premier intercollegiate athletic conferences in the country.All of its member institutions are NCAA Division I schools with FBS programs.The Big Ten sponsors 28 official sports, 14 for men and 14 for women.Big Ten schools compete in a total of 42 sports, and they have combined to win more than 450 team and 1800 individual national championships. Confusingly, even though there were 10 schools in the Big Tenfor much of its history, now there are 14 schools that are part of the Big 10. TheBig Ten includes the following colleges: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Indiana University Bloomington University of Iowa University of Minnesota Twin Cities University of Michigan Michigan State University University of Maryland, College Park, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Northwestern University The Ohio State University Penn State University Purdue University Rutgers University University of Wisconsin-Madison Northwestern is the only private college in the Big 10. The other schools are large publicuniversities.Maryland and Rutgers are the most recent additions to the Big Ten. They’re also the only east coast schools in the Big Ten. Rutgers is in New Brunswick, New Jersey. The rest of the Big Ten schools are in the Midwest. Want to get better grades and test scores? We can help. PrepScholar Tutors is the world's best tutoring service. We combine world-class expert tutors with our proprietary teaching techniques. Our students have gotten A's on thousands of classes, perfect 5's on AP tests, and ludicrously high SAT Subject Test scores. Whether you need help with science, math, English, social science, or more, we've got you covered. Get better grades today with PrepScholar Tutors. What Makes Big 10Colleges Unique? Big Ten schools offer big-time athletics at well-regarded academic institutions.Most of the Big Ten schools are in spirited college towns. The surrounding population proudly supports the school. The students, alumni, and residents of the area are generally big fans of the athletic teams and are eager to show their school pride. With the exception of Northwestern, these are among the largest schools in their respective states and some of the biggest schools in the country. Comparing Big Ten Schools I created a table with the undergraduate enrollments, average standardized test scores, and the acceptance rates of the Big Ten universities.Penn State has the largest undergraduate enrollment at almost 46,000. Northwestern has the smallest at 8,278. Also,Northwestern is the most selective school with an acceptance rate of only 15%. The schools are listed in order of their acceptance rates. School Location Undergraduate Enrollment Average SAT Score Average ACT Score Acceptance Rate Northwestern University Evanston, IL 8,278 1490 33 9% University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 28,921 1415 31 29% University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 35,433 1360 29 50% University of Maryland College Park, MD 29,868 1380 30 44% University of Wisconsin Madison, WI 32,196 1390 30 49% The Ohio State University Columbus, OH 45,946 1350 30 54% Penn State University University Park, PA 40,835 1250 28 51% Rutgers University New Brunswick, NJ 35,641 1300 28 57% Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 31,006 1290 29 57% University of Illinois Champaign, IL 33,955 1380 30 62% Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 38,996 1220 26 72% University of Nebraska-Lincoln Lincoln, NE 20,954 1230 25 64% Indiana University Bloomington, IN 33,429 1250 28 76% University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 24,503 1240 26 86% Possible Advantages and Disadvantages of Attending a Big Ten School Even though most of the Big Ten schools are large public universities in the Midwest, it’s difficult to generalize all Big Ten schools. For example, the environments at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Rutgers are quite different. Lincoln, Nebraska and New Brunswick, New Jersey are in different regions of the country. The demographics of their student bodies are strikingly different. Rutgers is 43% white while UNL is 78% white. Furthermore, 83% of Rutgers students come from New Jersey while 77% of UNL students come from Nebraska. At UNL, there are nine majors related to agriculture. At Rutgers, there is only one. The strengths, weaknesses, majors offered, locations, acceptance rates, and student bodies vary for each Big Ten school.However, you can make some generalizations about the pros and cons of attending a Big Ten school. Pros of Big Ten Schools Here are some of the biggest advantages of attending a Big Ten institution. School Spirit Big Ten schools offer very spirited environments. Most students who attend a Big Ten school seem to love their college. You can’t walk around campus or go to an off-campus bar or restaurant without seeing the college colors everywhere. During my multiple visits tothe University of Illinois, I saw thousands of students wearing orange and blue and many shops selling University of Illinois apparel and souvenirs. When I was in college competing for the gymnastics team at Stanford, we went to the University of Nebraska for NCAA Championships during my freshman year. I remember being at an off-campus Subway and seeing posters for the women’s volleyball and gymnastics teams at Nebraska on the wall.Sadly, I never saw a Stanford men’s gymnastics team poster in Palo Alto while I was at Stanford. Big-Time Football The Big Ten is one of the top football conferences in America.College football is ridiculously popular, and the Big Ten is one of the most prestigious football conferences in the country. On game days at UNL, the number of people inside of the football stadium would make it the third largest city in Nebraska.Four of the football stadiums in the Big Ten are among the 17 largest football stadiums in the country. A few years ago, I went to a college football game at the University of Wisconsin-Madison for its homecoming game. Wisconsin wasn’t playing a particularly good team, but the stadium was completely full, and people came from all over the state and country to attend and support the Badgers. There was more enthusiasm and energy there than at the handful of NFL games I've attended. Big-Time Academics Big Ten Schools are well-regarded academically.Northwestern is ranked as the #12 National University by US News.The other Big Ten schools are considered to be some of the best public universities in the country.US News ranks the University of Michigan as the #4 public university (#27 National University), University of Illinois and the University of Wisconsin are ranked in the top 15, and many others are ranked highly as well. They Offer the Benefits of Large Universities Outside of Northwestern, Big Ten schools are all large public universities, so they offer all of the advantages of attending a large state school.They offer a wider variety of degrees and programs than smaller colleges.At Penn State, there are more than 160 different possible majors. For comparison, at Amherst College, one of the best liberal arts colleges in the country, there are only 38 different majors. At the University of Iowa, there are unique, specialized majors like actuarial science, rhetoric and composition, athletic training, and music therapy.At the University of Minnesota, you can major in construction management or apparel and textiles. Also, there are a wide variety of extracurricular activities.Because of the quantity of students at these schools, there are tons of student organizations, clubs, and fraternities and sororities.At the University of Maryland, there are 72 Greek organizations and 61 cultural organizations, including the Argentine Tango Club, the NAACP, the Pride Alliance, and the Vietnamese Student Association. At Johns Hopkins, a private college in Maryland, there are only 23 Greek organizations. Because public colleges are subsidized by state governments, the cost of attendance for in-state residents is lower.The tuition and mandatory fees for a Michigan resident at Michigan State University are $14,552, and they're $39,827 for an out-of-state student. At Northwestern, the lone private college in the Big Ten, tuition and fees are $56,232 annually. However, Northwestern does meet 100% of demonstrated financial need and provides generousfinancial aid packages. Tracy O/Flickr Cons While there are many advantages of attending a Big Ten school, there are some potential disadvantages. Not Geographically Diverse Because Big Ten schools are all state schools (with the exception of Northwestern), the majority of students are in-state residents. At private colleges, you can usually meet a greater percentage of out-of-state and international students. At private colleges, the cost of attendance is the same for in-state and out-of-state students, and many private colleges emphasize geographic diversity in their admissions and recruiting. For example, atRutgers, 83% of students are from New Jersey. Meanwhile, at Princeton, a private Ivy League school also in New Jersey, only 19% of students are from New Jersey. Part of the education process in college is about learning from your peers, and you can gain a different perspective and a better understanding of others if you’re surrounded by more people from different states and countries. Large Class Sizes Due to the size of most of the Big Ten schools, students often have to take lecture classes with hundreds of students, especially in introductory courses.At Ohio State University, the student-faculty ratio is 19:1 and 22% of classes have 50 or more students. At Kenyon College, a liberal arts college in Ohio, the student-faculty ratio is 10:1 and only 0.7% of classes have 50 or more students.Many students learn better in smaller classes where there is more interaction, and students can more easily ask the professor questions. Not Located in Urban Areas Many Big Ten schools are in college towns that are somewhat removed from urban environments and all they have to offer.I remember driving to Penn State and there didn’t seem to be any sign of civilization for two hours in any direction. Similarly, when I got off the plane in Champaign, IL for my recruiting trip to the University of Illinois, I saw corn fields and realized I was very far from LA. While other big ten schools aren't as rural as Penn State or U of I, most are located in smaller cities. Some notable exceptions are the University of Minnesota, which is located in Minneapolis, Northwestern (which seems to be the exception to all Big Ten generalizations), which is close to Chicago, Rutgers, which is close to New York City, Ohio State University, which is in Columbus, and the University of Maryland, which is close to DC. For most other Big 10 schools you're within an hour or two of a decently-sized city, but if you're hoping for urban life right on your doorstep, you may be disappointed. The Weather All of the Big Ten schools are in areas with relatively harsh winters. While the weather shouldn’t be the most important factor for you in choosing a college, some students enjoy attending a college in a temperate climate with year-round sunshine and 70 degree temperatures in the winter.If you’re from Florida or California, you’ll probably have to get some actual winter clothing before attending a Big Ten school. How To Decide if You Should Attend a Big Ten School If you're trying to decide whether or not to attend a Big Ten school, go through the same process you should go through when deciding which colleges to apply to and which one to attend.Decide the factors that are important to you in a college. Think about the location, selectivity, size, and the majors offered at the school, and determine how much each factor matters to you. Look at the school’s website, and use guidebooks, college finders, search websites, and ranking lists to help you in the college selection process. If possible, consult with teachers, parents, counselors, current students, and alumni.If finances are a big concern for you, wait until you receive your financial aid packages from the schools that accept you to determine what your out-of-pocket expenses will be for each school. Personally, I think that I would have really enjoyed attending a Big Ten school. When I was at Ohio State, Penn State, the University of Illinois, Nebraska, and the University of Wisconsin (those are the only Big Ten schools I’ve been able to visit), I was so impressed by and attracted to the spirited on-campus environments and the uniqueness of attending a school in a real college town. However, some students prefer the environment at a small college, or they don’t want to be at a school that places so much emphasis on athletics. If you're interested in colleges that are similar to Big Ten schools in offering big-time athletics and quality academics at a large public university in a college town, you may also be interested in the University of Texas-Austin, Texas AM, the University of Florida, or the University of California-Berkeley. If you would like to attend a private college that offers big-time athletics and quality academics, then Northwestern, USC, Stanford, Duke, and the University of Notre Dame may be good options for you. It’s important to find the school that best fits your personality and has the resources and environment that will best allow you to thrive and reach your academic and professional goals. What's Next? To help you figure out what you're looking for in a school, learn how to do college research. Also, read this article about whether you should go to a rural, urban, or suburban college. Finally, if you're looking for a diverse college, check out this post about the most diverse colleges in the country. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Amazon Inc Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Amazon Inc - Research Paper Example In its recent endeavors, the company has been performing as a proven technology leader and has developed e-commerce innovations such as personalized shopping services, I-click ordering easy-to-use and other browse features. The company offers faster and safer credit transaction facility to its customers, and e4-mail communication with customers and direct shopping at competitive price worldwide (Amazon.com, Inc., 1998). The primary purpose of this paper is to identify Amazon’s current and future challenges along with the requisite competencies needed for its success. Current and Future Challenges Amazon has been successful in satisfying its customers’ needs with lower prices, vast selection and speedy delivery facilities. Nevertheless, the company has been currently facing intense competition from other online book merchants, mainly due to ease in new entry and low level of switching costs in the industry. Furthermore, the challenges in the form of competition are expec ted to increase in the future, making it more challenging for Amazon to achieve its goals and objectives. Notably, the security and privacy issues have always been a matter for challenge for the online business companies like Amazon. Despite, the adequate level of security and other facilities provided by the company, many customers decipher reluctance for conducting transactions over the internet. Additionally, the rapidly changing e-commerce environment has offered the company to make constant changes in its strategies in order to grow and adapt to the changing environment. Along with these challenges, the poor logistics and supply chain management has radically affected the ability of the company to earn substantial profits (Singh & Waddell, 2004; University of Washington, 1998). Competencies Required For Success Over the years, the company has been able to meet the needs of its customers more effectively and efficiently, which has rewarded the company to establish itself as one of the world’s largest online retailers. However, the constant changes in the online business environment, along with increasing competition has urged the company to focus on certain specific factors to strengthen its core competencies in order to retain its market position and attain success in the future. Hence, it can be argued that market orientation is a crucial factor for modern management in the e-commerce sector. It is also essential for Amazon to target the relevant needs of the targeted customers rather than emphasizing solely on the advancement of its technology approach. It is also equally important for the company to capture the arising market opportunities after assessing the upcoming risks in an efficient manner. In this regard, it is suggestible that the goals and strategies framed by the company should be in consistent with SMART (i.e. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Reliable and Timely). It is thus necessary for the company to establish effective planning, monitoring and controlling of its activities. Furthermore, the company should conduct market analysis as well as competitors’ analysis at regular intervals in order to acquire potential understanding about the prevailing market trends and competitors strategies. The company should also involve in developing leaders for future and ensuring greater success with increased competencies of the future leader to deal with the challenges in the most efficient manner. Nonetheless,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Power Of Music In Literature Research Paper

The Power Of Music In Literature - Research Paper Example This close connection helps to create a very solid understanding of the literature itself and can bring the audience’s own feelings and emotions deeply into the action. Music in literature can often be used to express mood in literature, and this expression can be stronger than using the written word alone. Examples of music’s strength can be found in drama, especially Shakespeare’s comedies and tragedies. Shakespeare often uses music to create a strong emotional tone. By implementing music in his plays, Shakespeare was able to transcend his mood from the action and characters into his audience. His technique was quite successful, and besides his fantastic writing skills, this ability to combine literature and music allowed him to successfully demonstrate the feelings of his characters to his audience. Music, therefore, can be more powerful than the written word alone in literature, and by taking a close look at Shakespeare and the way he both used and understood music, we can gain a solid understanding of how music can create a strong feeling of emotion in the audience, backing up the action set in the play or piece of fiction. â€Å"Music oft hath such a charm to make bad good,† Shakespeare states in Measure for Measure. Shakespeare, therefore, realized the power of music and its ability to create and stir emotion in his audience. Shakespeare also realized that music could make something that seemed otherwise bearable quite bearable. In fact, the bard was so fascinated by music that many of his characters mention its power in his plays. He often uses music as a metaphor to compare its power to certain feelings, and it seems that the mere mention of music helps to make the words spoken even stronger.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Movie Review Shawshank Redemption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Movie Review Shawshank Redemption - Essay Example He accepts the punishment with dignity, not bothering about the social stigma associated, for he knows he is innocent. The Shawshank Prison reflects the drudgery and slowness of prison life, as is visible in most prison movie. The striking difference however, is the portrayal of Andy’s free and hopeful spirit, and how one free spirit can bring about a radical change in the environment. Andy has his shares of troubles in prison. The Shawshank prison reflects some of the rawest forms of human rights’ violation including â€Å"the Sisters† attempting to get Andy to perform oral sex for them. The movie is about a determined, hopeful human being with an unbending spirit breaking free from the shackles of misery. Andy, slowly but steadily, inches his way through the walls using a rock-hammer over a period of decades until he finally breaks free. Even during his stay in prison, Andy improves the quality of life of his inmates by helping establish a small prison library. His knowledge of Banking and Taxation help him to initially work with the corrupt warden, finally expose his misdeeds in public and leading him to commit suicide in the end. The movie perhaps trudges along a trifle slowly in the middle. That could well be a reflection of the leaden passage of time, the years of redemption one has to undergo before achieving salvation and experiencing freedom. The cinematography is near excellent. The damp blue, green, and grey walls, which at times seem like shades of black and white, reflect the characteristic dullness of prison life. The Shawshank Redemption is also a story of friendship between two souls – Andy and Red (Morgan Freeman). It is a story of how two individuals from contrasting backgrounds – one guilty of murder and the other innocent, come together to help each other. While Red, â€Å"the man who can get you anything in prison,† helps him get hold of a rock-hammer – the tool that helps him achieve his goal of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Report for potential investors in tesco plc

Report for potential investors in tesco plc The purpose of this report is for potential investors who are considering buying shares in Tesco plc. The report creates an overall picture of Tescos financial position and provides an assessment of Tescos performance over the last three years. The information used to assess the financial position of Tesco was gathered from the Annual report of the last three years. This information was downloaded from the official Tesco website. From that, the ratios were calculated from the financial statements within the report. Results Ratios 2004 2005 2006 Change (%) Return on capital employed 13.99% 14.77% 17.29% 19.09% increase Net profit Margin 5.17% 5.76% 5.78% 10% increase Asset Turnover 2.72 times 2.56 times 2.99 times 9.03% increase Current Assets 0.56 times 0.57 times 0.52 times 8.77% decrease Quick Ratio 0.35:1 0.35:1 0.33:1 05.71% decrease Gearing Analysis 35.35% 34.52% 28.38% 19.72% decrease Interest Cover 7.75 8.31 9.46 18.08% increase Earning per share 15.05p 17.44p 20.07p 25.01% increase Dividend Cover 2.13 times 2.29 times 2.57 times 17.12% increase Introduction The aim of this report is to provide an assessment of the companys performance over the three year period to a group of potential investors in the company. So this report will use nine financial ratios which are useful for the investors to help them to identify and highlight area of good and bad performance of the company and area with significant change. Therefore this report will consist: brief overview of the history of Tesco and Then it will analyse the profitability, liquidity, investment analysis of Tesco plc. The report will also advice potential investors on whether shares in this company would be a good investment. Brief Background on Tesco plc It is best known that Tesco Company is the leading retailer in the UK and one of the largest food retailers in the world. The retail industry is a highly competitive market. Tesco competes with a wide range of retailers with a wide range sizes and there face increased competition from UK retailers as well as international operators. Tesco also sell non food goods such as electrical goods and clothing. In general Tesco is a successful profitable company which attract investors to invest in the company. General Financial Analysis It is well known fact that the financial ratios become important for investors to help them whether they should buy shares in the business, sell them, or hold on shares which already own them. Therefore ratios analysis helps investors to identify and highlight area of good and bad performance of the company and area with significant change. In addition, financial ratios explain the relation between different figures in the financial statements consequently we could calculate hundred of ratios fro a set of financial statements, because of this we need to know which ratio provide a good and useful information for the investors , the ratios which are applied incorrectly they may be completely useless and misleading. However if they are used correctly they are useful for understanding the performance of the company and interpreting the company account. Ratios describe the relationship between different items in the financial; however the relative usefulness of each ratio depends on what aspects of a companys business affairs are being investigated. In this case of Tesco plc, there are four elements of ratios that are been analysed. These are Profitability, Liquidity and Investment analysis. Return on Capital Employed (ROCE): The ROCE is an important measure of the profitability of a company. This is because it is a popular indicator of management efficiency by contrasting the net profit generated by the company with the total capital employed (traditionally, total capital employed in this case has been taken to be the long term funding). It does not only incorporate the funds the shareholders have invested, but also funds invested by banks and other lenders, and therefore shows the productivity of the assets of the group. ROCE = PBIT ÃÆ'-100 Capital employed 2006 = 2,280 ÃÆ'-100 9,444 + 3742 = 17.29% 2005 = 1,952 ÃÆ'-100 4,563 + 8,654 = 14.77% 2004 = 1,729 ÃÆ'-100 7,990 + 4,368 = 13.99 These calculations show that the return on capital employed has been on steadily increasing for the past three years. For 2006, the ROCE is 17.29% which is 1.94 % above the average for the three years. This indicates that Tesco is using its invested resources more efficiently and that by comparing with other leading retailers, they ROCE are higher. This shows that this figure is more likely to be acceptable to potential investor. Comparison on Return on Capital employed Year Tesco plc J Sainsbury plc Morrisons 2004 13.99 7.99 6.01 2005 14.77 -2.56 5.1 2006 17.29 3.73 -5.63 Average 15.35 3.053333333 1.826667 Net profit margin is another widely used ratio in the assessment of company performance and in comparison with companies in the same industry. Net profit margin = Profit before exceptional items, interest tax ÃÆ'-100 Revenue (turnover) 2006 = 2,280 ÃÆ'-100 39,454 = 5.78 % 2005 = 1,952 ÃÆ'-100 33,866 = 5.76 % 2004 = 1,735 ÃÆ'-100 33,557 = 5.17 % From the calculation, it shows that net profit margin has been increasing slightly which shows Tesco have kept control of its expenses. Group sales have increased consistently through 2004/05 by 9.4% and in 2005/06 by 14.33%. (Note: in order for comparisons, two different figures were used in 05 sales due to the implementation of IFRS while the comparison for 04/05 was accounted under the standard of UK GAAP). As for PBIT, there was not much increase in 2004/05, however between 2005/06 there was an increase of 14.16 %. Comparison on Net profit Margin Year Tesco J Sainsbury plc Morrisons 2004 5.17% 3.23% 6.19% 2005 5.77 -0.99% 2.12% 2006 5.78 1.43% 2.17% Average 5.573 0.012 0.035 This shows Tesco average on net profit margin for the past three years is way above the averages of other leading supermarkets. This illustrates that in 2005 and 2006, Tesco profit margin is miles ahead. From this it can be concluded that it is a profitable company which has kept control of its expenses. The Asset Turnover is a measure of how much sales are generated by the capital asset base of a company. Asset turnover = Revenue (turnover) Capital employed For Tesco plc, asset for the three years are as follows: For 2006 = 39,454 13,186 = 2.99 times For 2005 = 33,866 13217 =2.56 times For 2004 = 33,557 12,358 = 2.72 times this shows that asset turnover is slightly increasing. This is due to the fact that revenue has increased considerably from  £33,557 in 2004 to  £39,454 in 2006 Comparison on Asset Turnover Year Tesco plc J Sainsbury plc Morrisons 2004 2.72 2.47 0.98 2005 2.56 2.57 2.59 2006 2.99 2.61 2.59 Average 2.7566667 2.55 2.053333 This shows that Tesco is above the average asset turnover for the market. From this it can be concluded that Tesco is generating more sales from its capital base. Liquidity Analysis It is clear that liquidity ratios analysis important to the investors as liquidity ratios related to the capacity of business to pay its short term debt as become due, therefore the focus is on the relationship between current assets and creditors due within one year, since these measure short term sources of cash and short term calls on that cash, there are two commonly used ratios which highlight such a situation: Current ratios (current assets/current liability) The current ratio measure the relationship between the companys current assets and its current liability in Tesco Companys balance sheet shows the current asset for 2006 3991 and current liability of 7518, the current asset for 2005 3224 current liability 5680, for 2004 current assets 3139 current liability 5618 Current ratios = currents assets Current liabilities For 2006 = 3919 7518 = 0.52 times For 2005 = 3224 5680 = 0.57 times For 2004 = 3139 5618 = 0.56 times It can be seen from the results the current ratio for Tesco company is stable between 2004 and 2005, however it fell slightly in 2006, this is because of the fact that there was an increase in current liabilities. Quick ratios (Current assets inventories) / current liabilities The quick ratios ignore the stock and concentrates upon those assets which can be turned into cash, the quick ratios important for investors who want to take share in Tesco Company where stock is turned over quickly and the sales are mainly on a cash, consequently the quick ratios compares liquid current assets with current liabilities. For 2006 = 3919 1464 7518 = 0.33: 1 For 2005 = 3224 -1309 5680 = 0.35: 1 For 2004 = 3139 1199 5618 = 0.35: 1 As it can be seen from the results the quick ratios test follow much the same trend on average over the three years of 0.34, which shows low level of resources are tied up in inventory. It can also be concluded that Tesco does not have any cash flow problems and therefore the company is using its resources well. Gearing Analysis An important determinant of a companys capacity to develop is its funding structure. This very important as it enables the company to assess its capacity to satisfy its long term commitment. The financial structure of a business is an important consideration when assessing the financial health of any entity. The most commonly used structure is the Gearing ratio, which quantifies the relationship between debt and equity. The higher the ratio then the more vulnerable the company is perceived to be this is because there is a high and fixed call on its profit before equity can be satisfied. This means that a company that has high gearing will has deal with its long term commitment such as long term debt and this in turn means they will be less fund for payment such as dividend for shareholders. Gearing Ratio = Long Term Debt ÃÆ'-100 Capital Employed For 2006 = 3742 ÃÆ'-100 9444 + 3742 = 28.38% For 2005 = 4563 ÃÆ'-100 8654 + 4563 = 34.52% For 2004 = 4368 ÃÆ'-100 7,990 + 4,368 = 35.35 % From these calculations, it shows that the long term debt has been decreasing steadily for the past couple of years while on the other hand the equity of the company has been increasing steadily, which indicate the finances of the company as moving towards equity and less on debt. Interest cover ratio: It is important to recognize that the interest cover ratio is important for investors as they measure the amount of profit available to cover interest payable. The high interest cover ratio it means that the company or business is easily able to meet its interest from profit. in the same way a low value from interest cover ratio it means that the business is in danger to meet its interest obligations therefore the profit available to the shareholder will be very low. In Tesco company the measure of interest cover ratio as follow: Interest cover ratio = profit before interest and tax Interest charge For 2006 = 2280 241 = 9.46 For 2005 = 1952 235 = 8.31 For 2004 = 1729 223 = 7.75 The measure of interest cover ratio of Tesco within the last three years tells us that the company maintaining increase in interest cover ratio 7.75, 8.31, 9.46 as a result Tesco is able to meet its interest from the profit therefore the profit are sufficient to pay the interest it owes and the profit available to the shareholder increased from 1729m in 2004 to 2280 in 2006. Investment Analysis Potential investors who want to buy shares in a company want to be able to have the information they require to compare the benefit from their investment. There are two measures of benefit to the investor: One is the profit of the period (usually referring to the profit available for the ordinary shareholders). The other is the dividend, which is the amount actually paid to the shareholders. Earning Per Share (EPS) EPS is a widely used measure of business performance and progress, and importantly the percentage change from year to year should be monitored for the trend. It explains to an investor the kind of return they could receive for each share during the accounting period. Therefore, it is important ratio as earning per share works out the average amount of profits earned per ordinary share issued. In accordance with FRS 14 Earnings per share, EPS must be disclosed on the face of the income statement. This means that when producing financial statements companies must disclose the EPS figures for investors to see. EPS = Earnings (profit) Number of equity share in issue For 2006 = 1,570 7,823 = 20.07p For 2005 = 1,344 7,707 = 17.44p For 2004 = 1,100 7,307 =15.05p As it can be seeing there has been a steady increase of EPS for the past of years. This indicates that potential investors would have an attractable return on there shares Dividend Cover The dividend cover ratio is another important ratio for potential investors as it measures the proportion of available profits which are issued to shareholders and the amount which is reserved by the company. In another words, the dividend cover ratio tells the investor how easily a business can pay its dividend from its profit. Dividend Cover = Profit after tax Ordinary dividend For 2006 = 1,570 609 = 2.57 times For 2005 = 1,344 587 = 2.29 times For 2004 = 1100 516 =2.13 times The measure of dividend cover ratio of Tesco plc for the last three years has shown a steady increase. It increased slightly from 2004 to 2005 and again in 2006. A high dividend cover means that a company can easily afford to pay dividend. For the last year (2006), the dividend covers shows that for every  £2.57 made in the profit,  £1 was issued to the shareholders Investment Advice Sales have risen by 14.94 %to  £39,454m Pre-tax profits are up by 24%, with earning per share increasing by 25% in 2006 from 2004. This result shows the excellent performance from all aspects of Tesco strategy. This is an extract from the Directors report for 2006: The directors recommend the payment of a final dividend of 6.10p per ordinary share, to be paid on 14 July 2006 to members à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Together with the interim dividend of 2.53p per ordinary share paid in December 2005, the total dividend for the year will be 8.63p compared with 7.56p for the previous year, an increase of 14.2% This shows that Tesco plc strong performance is been implemented in dividend as can be seen in the increase of payment. Tesco faces strong competition from other leading supermarket, however with the management strategy implemented by Tesco and their huge experience which has given them good image (every little help!) and trust in the market as a leading retailer. Therefore, it will be worthwhile investment for those who are interested in earning money through share price fluctuations to invest in Tesco. Conclusion This report has used nine ratios to analyse and interpret the financial position of Tesco plc. There are many other ratios that could be used and will also assist in the interpretations of the financial accounts. Although there are limitations to ratio analysis such as; ratios are based upon past performance and hence there are historical data. However ratio analysis is one of the best ways to analyse the financial performance of a company. This is because, it allows managers to spot any problems and therefore concentrate resources on that area. If ratio analysis is interpreted the right way then it can be useful tool of results which can be understood by accountants and non-financial users such potential investors.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Dream :: essays research papers

A dream is defined as a condition or achievement that is longed for; an aspiration. Throughout the book the â€Å"Great Gatsby† we see the dream of one man, Jay Gatsby. Gatsby’s dream is not merely what is known as the American Dream-the belief that anyone can rise to success no matter who they are or where they are from. Instead, it is a form of romantic idealism, â€Å"some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life.† It is the belief in fairytales and princesses and happy endings, a faith that life can be special, remarkable, and beautiful. Gatsby is not interested in power or money instead he uses his power and money in his attempt to gain his ultimate dream, Daisy. He must have her and he will do anything that is required in order to win her. Unfortunately, Gatsby’s faith in love and happy endings is not a realistic one and his dream is ultimately crushed. However, one question is left behind, are dreams worth fighting for or should the fear of f ailure prevent one from attempting to fulfill their dreams.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In chapter I the reader is briefly introduced to Gatsby’s world. Nick describes Gatsby with such words as â€Å"crass and vulgar materialism†. However he admires Gatsby for his dream, his â€Å"romantic readiness,† his â€Å"extraordinary gift for hope.† What is this dream Nick admires so much? The reader is left with this question until chapter IV when Jordan Baker reveals Gatsby’s past and ultimately his dream. Jordan reveals to Nick that Gatsby and Daisy were one time lovers but Gatsby was suddenly called away to war and by the time he arrived home Daisy had already married Tom. Furthermore, Jordan explains, â€Å"Gatsby bought that house so that Daisy would be just across the bay.† Nick shocked by what he has just learned states â€Å"he came alive to me, delivered suddenly from the womb of his purposeless splendor.† The large mansion, the Rolls Royce, station wagon, the motor boats, the aquaplanes, the swimming pool were not to display his wealth, but instead he just used them as a setting to build the material world necessary to fulfill his dream. He not only has built up a material world to attract Daisy he has come up with a plan to win her love. This plan is unfolded in Chapter IV, when the reader learns that Gatsby has arranged for Nick to invite Daisy for tea and makes sure Daisy doesn’t know he’ll be there, too.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Analyse your contribution to the selection process for the position of Classroom Assistant Essay

Assignment M2 In this assignment I will analyse the contribution of the interview and selection process that leads to the position of Classroom Assistant. I took part both as an interviewee and observer therefore I am able to compare how the different roles have contributed to the process. Before being selected through for the position, there are three stages that each applicant must face: the pre-interview, the interview itself and the post-interview. Each of these stages plays their part in allowing the employer to carefully select the potential candidate. Pre-interview When applying for a position or job role, it is essential that an application form is presented and that the candidate must meet the criteria as identified in the person specification in order that they have the required skills and qualifications to get offered the job. As an interviewee, I have completed an application form that describes my qualification and experience with children. It also has my information and previous employment as well as any disability or illnesses. It is important that all these details are included correctly so that the workplace can make necessary arrangements in order to deal with the situation. As important skills to work with children are needed, I included my communication and outgoing skills, as well as listening and understanding. I made sure that it was neatly represented and wrote it in black ink and block capitals. I was also able to meet essential criteria as I found them attached on the website and ensure that it was clear that I met the needs. As an interviewer it is important that the candidate come prepared and organized with a full interview pack that includes every piece of material requested from the interview panel. This will higher their chances to better opportunity and will also show the employer that they are committed and have what it takes to take on the role as a Classroom assistant. It is also  important that the interviewer gets a report from past references as so that he/she knows if you are capable for the job. References will recommend you for the position and will tell your employer what makes you a strong team member or weaknesses that you could possibly have. It is also important on what kind of interview gets chosen as a process of assessing candidates for this position. During our interview process, each candidate was able to get interviewed by the same interview panel and get asked the same amount of questions in the same way and then get assessed from there. This was possible because only 11 candidates had applied and therefore it was an easy process to carry out. Also because the observer is there to assess candidates, it is easier for the employer to pick who is really suitable for the assigned position. In the same way, there was no need to take aptitude tests or any kind of questioning as it couldn’t have been shorter listed. And because the interview was carried out by a professional who has been involved in recruitment for so long and know that requisites for the post there was no need for the process to be shortened. At the end of the process, one candidate has to be selected for the job post to be offered. This can be done in many ways, however as an interviewer, it is best to write a job offer letter because it is polite and formal and the candidate can more than likely receive it which also saves on time and costs. On the other hand, applicants who didn’t get through will get a job rejection letter instead. Interview This is the process where the interviewer has a formal meeting with the interviewee finding out why they want the post and what makes them a good staff member compared to the others. As an interviewee I needed to make a good impression to boost my chances by arriving early, dressing smart, showing my personality through being formal and smiling and stating why I would really love to work for them. It was also important that as an observer I made it clear that every detail  and personal information was going to be strictly confidential and that everybody had an equal and fair opportunity to get the job, therefore seating arrangements and questions were exactly the same for every interviewee and questions could not be asked by me to make interview unfair. I also needed to make sure that the interview was carried out in a Health and Safety policy environment free of any possible danger or harm that could be caused by equipment. An interview check-list is needed and useful for both sided of the interview panel as it contributes to the process because for the interviewee can know what needs to be included in the interview pack and provide necessary information while the observer or interviewer will use it as a method to ensure that all points they are looking for are being covered. This will also help control the interview because it is mannered and well organised and interviewers are able to control their time and decide what to say for each question. As an observer, notes were also taken to keep on track of the candidates’ performance in order for rank to be given at the end and meet the decision criteria and right documentation. Communication between the interviewer and interviewee is important because as an interviewee I had to make sure I was listening carefully to questions so that I could give the correct answers, however this was also made easy as I already had an interview questions document already prepared. This is also important because it showed the interviewer that I am capable of listening and communicating well therefore able to work under command and instructions given. I also used body language to make the interview more interactive and make more impression using eye contact with both the interviewer and observer which made them more interested to hear what I had to say. Questions that were used were all open questions which gave me the ability to explain and satisfy them with my answers. As an observer I noticed that communication between the candidate and interviewer were quite tense but body language tend to loosen the tension and make the interview more relaxing. I listened carefully to answers in order to take accurate notes and able to give feedback to the employer. The  candidate came across really clear and I was able to notice that they were confident in their position and therefore it helped with the process even more. Post-interview After the interview, this is the final stage of the process in which some candidates are rejected and others are offered the post. It is also referred as recruitment because the candidates are gives a response based on their interview and therefore then judgement is made as to who gets picked. I informed candidates about their interview giving them feedback on what were their strong points and weak points where they could have improved via phone call. This makes it seem more professional as it shows the interviewee that the employer is making effort in reaching them and sending them their best of wishes for their future career. As an interviewee feedback will be used as a way of improvement for the next job offers and interviews coming ahead. However before candidates could be informed if they were unsuccessful, a job offer was made to the applicant that was selected. This took place before rejection letters were sent out because if the selected candidate decides to refuse the offer because of lost of interest or new employment, then the employer would pick the next person in line that was likely to get offered. This will therefore save restarting the whole process again as the employer is assure that the selected candidate accepts the offer before telling the others that they weren’t as successful and did not meet their standards. As an observer I also asked for feedback from the candidates who apply as to hear from them how the process could have been improved and what changes could be done for next time. I took all answers into consideration as it will give better opportunities to other candidates to make a successful interview. I would also check the selected candidate’s reference to hear their point of view on the candidate.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Rhododendron essays

Rhododendron essays The plant rhododendron belongs to the family Ericaceae which also includes the Heath, and there are about eight-hundred fifty species which grow worldwide (Turner and Szczawinski, 171-2). The Heath family is a large one with so many species, all of the poisonous species fall into two of its subfamilies, one of which is These cultivated plants occur naturally in temperate regions of the northern hemisphere and in the mountains of Southeast Asia. They are located in the Himalayas with seven-hundred species, southwest China, Burma, and in New Guinea with over three-hundred species (Turner and szczawinski, 172). It has been popular as ornaments in gardens and has led to a major horticultural industry with There are twenty-seven species native to North America, (Turner,172) and is the state plant of Washington. This specific plant is called R. macrophyllum or the Pacific rhododendron (Pojar and Mackinnon, 61). It forms a shrub layer in forests ranging from shoreline pine groves to stands of Douglas-fir and western Hemlock up in the mountains. Usually they are located everywhere from homes to freeway sides and also in the forests. The rhododendron shows a great variety in size, habit, and flower color, colors from white to pink, dark-purple, yellow, red, and orange (McKenzi,1). They range from small shrubs to small trees with evergreen leaves that are leathery. The leaves are short stalked, simple, and alternate, and the flowers are large, bell-shaped, and born in dense clusters. They are best grown on acidous soil with a ph of 4.5 and 6.5, included with lots of moisture and organic material (McKenzie, 3). The leaves, flowers, pollen, and nectar of many rhododendron species contain several toxins (Kingsbury, 50). These toxins are called grayanotoxins or andromedotoxin, a resinoid carbohydrate (Kingsbury, 51). ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Why PrepScholar is Great for Busy Students

Why PrepScholar is Great for Busy Students SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you a busy student with no extra time for SAT prep, but know it’s important for your college apps? Check out PrepScholar’s unique program that automatically gives you the lessons and practice you need based on your performance. Lots of teenagers come home from school and spend the hours until dinner watching TV, YouTube videos, or on Facebook. Other students have already learned how much that time can be used for, and how important it is to use all their time to build an impressive rà ©sumà © for college. Still others are busy because of time limitations over which they have no control, like babysitting siblings or long bus rides every day. All of the busy students described here can take advantage of PrepScholar to fit efficient, flexible and interactive prep into their schedules. PrepScholar is Efficient Classroom courses and test prep books are organized by question typethe Student-Produced-Response Math questions, for instance, or the Improving Sentences Writing questions. But this doesn’t really get at the point of the test, because the skills being testedthe information you need to answer correctly every timearen’t related to the question type. Sure, there are skills that are tested more often in a certain question type, but that’s the entire extent of the relationship. Skill-Based Learning Our teaching system maximizes learning effectiveness by customizing your lessons by skill. If you’re great at functions but weak in solid geometry, we’re not going to make you do many functions questions so you can use that time to improve your understanding of the fundamentals of geometric formulas and relationships. It seems simple, but we’re the only company that breaks it down this way and personalizes the program to meet your individual needs. Student-Specific Levels In addition to tailoring the lessons to the skills you most need to improve, PrepScholar also adjusts to your increasing ability: there are 3 levels for each skill, and you are placed in one initially by our diagnostic test. If you place into the Mastery level of a particular skill, the only time you’ll be working on that skill is during the Practice Test (which is helpful in terms of understanding that skill’s frequency and presentation). Pinpoint Focus Students have different ways of understanding things, and so besides saving time, it’s actually important to your learning that you don’t waste time â€Å"learning† things you already knowit can be easy to get confused about a subject you thought you understood perfectly. Similarly, for skills in which your understanding has gaps, you train your mind through focused problems that let you zero in on the knowledge you’re missingand then get it! Skills by Priority One of the most unique aspects of PrepScholar is our understanding of tests’ inner workings: some skills are considered more important and thus are tested more frequently. Mastering these skills is key to the bulk of your score, and our program reflects this in the time spent learning and practicing each skill. The Best Choice Busy students know that unnecessary work can waste lots of time. PrepScholar avoids this entirely, in a way that other kinds of prep can’t. If you read a book, you have to skim every chapter to determine which you need to study. With practice tests, you spend literally hours doing problems you could do in your sleep, and in classroom courses you’re at the mercy of a random teacher and a group of random students’ questions. PrepScholar is a step above all that. PrepScholar Is Flexible The internet has changed the way most of us do many thingsshopping, reading, communicating with friends. But education has so far lagged behind commerce and social media, partially from an entrenched belief that physical teacher presence is an important part of the learning experience. But everyone is starting to believe that quality, creative education can and does happen through the internetand PrepScholar is one of the companies that uses that fact to benefit students. 24/7 One of the things people love about internet shopping is that it’s always available, even at times when every store in town is closed. PrepScholar has the same huge advantagepractice whenever you want, wherever you have internet access. There are no time or space restrictions on your learning. Like to study outside? Take your laptop. Like to study in the basement? Take your tablet. It’s as simple as that. A Full Year to Prep If you’re one of those busy students who knows he or she has to start projects early in order to get them done, PrepScholar is perfect for you. Most prep courses are designed to lead up to one test date, usually spread out over a couple of months. PrepScholar puts you in the driver’s seatstudy for as long as you like, until your Practice Test scores have reached your goal, and take the next test date available. It’s never too early to start prepping. Scheduling We know it can be hard to fit â€Å"optional† test prep into a slew of â€Å"mandatory† meetings, family events, extracurriculars and other appointments. Our program encourages you to set aside 5-10 hours a week for test prep and spend that time on the site doing lessons and Practice Quizzes. The program tracks the time you spend so you don’t have to. Our program is also set up to remind you when you’re not meeting your goals, and of the long-term benefit of sticking to your schedule. Interactivity: Retention Many studies have shown that interactivity enhances retention of material. When you retain more material per lesson, you get more benefit per lesson, saving you precious time and effort. Most online prep offers little in the way of interactivity; at PrepScholar, we know that doing problems yourself and questioning the lesson is essential to a complete learning experience. In addition to interactive lessons, PrepScholar students can ask questions about any of the quizzes on the site and get prompt, top quality instructor responses. Interactivity: Feedback We also offer interactivity in the form of extremely detailed feedback. Not only do you get precise information about your progress in various skills, but you also get feedback about time you’re spending on study and how your score is improving. All of this adds up to an engaging experience that makes test prep as fun as it can be. Want to know more about how to fit SAT prep into your busy schedule? Try our advice on how to early prepare.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Woman Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Woman Studies - Essay Example campaigns have the title ‘Violence Against Women’ (Roces and Edwards 15) and are based on two different strategies: a) the promotion of laws for eliminating violence against women, and b) the increase of the public awareness in regard to violence against women (Roces and Edwards 15). The above campaigns are based on the rules of liberal feminism. As for radical feminism, the specific movement is mostly promoted through independent institutions. The National Black Feminist Organization (1973) is an example. It should be noted that the specific groups have been quite popular among African women who considered these groups as the only means for supporting their rights. Many efforts have been developed worldwide for securing the participation of women in leading positions, either in politics or in business. However, these efforts have faced many barriers. The key reason is that the ability of women to respond to the demands of such roles is often doubted. In practice, it has been proved that ‘only in societies where egalitarian practices are highly promoted, women are likely to have equal opportunities with men’ (Doh and Stumpf 362). In other words, simply increasing women’s participation cannot set the basis for an egalitarian future. Such future can be guaranteed only in societies where equality between men and women is clear in all social and economic activities. In 1995 a critical event for global women’s activism occurred: the Beijing Conference. The United Nations arranged this conference for discussing women’s rights (Ledwith 117). The level of participation has been impressive: about 30,000 women participated in the conference, supporting women’s rights (Ledwith 117). The participants have been representatives of organizations, governments, or even individuals (Ledwith 117). The global dimension always needs to be part of feminist activism, because this is the only way for women’s rights to be effectively protected. The Beijing Conference

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Respond to classmate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Respond to classmate - Essay Example Next to be considered is conciseness. When communicating, be sure you are not beating around the bush. Be direct and to the point while communicating. Following conciseness is consideration. Be aware who needs the information and consider all those who need to know. When considering your communication you need to be concrete and use specific facts and figures along with clarity so those you are communicating with will have no possible confusion. Lastly, Courteous and correctness go hand in hand. As a communicator you should be courteous of the listener and uses correct language and also in messaging use correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and accurate facts and figures. Using these seven C’s can guide and promote effective communication in the workplace.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In my workplace, communication is a must. As a Title one paraprofessional, I am working with several teachers to help those struggling students to improve in reading, writing, and arithmetic. If I was given the students and teachers did not consider what the students’ needs were I would not know what to teach them. It is my job to collaborate with each grade to better the students time and help them progress. It is also courteous on the teacher’s part to keep us in the loop so we can be correct and concise in who needs extra help. Without proper communication, I would fail in helping those students to progress and learn. Communication is essential in every aspect. Nordmeyer, Billie. Keys to Building Effective Communication in the Workplace. Everydaylife.globalpost.com. Retrieved from http://everydaylife.globalpost.com/keys-building-effective-communication-workplace-1575.html I agree with the seven Cs presented in this article and wondered if they talked about delivery methods too?   There are times it is difficult to deliver all the information in a concise manner if there are a lot of details to be discussed.   About a week ago I was trying to explain a situation at

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Find a classroom accommodation for students who are at risk, another Research Paper

Find a classroom accommodation for students who are at risk, another for those with ADHD and 1 more for individuals who are Gifted and Talented - Research Paper Example They can keep track of their students’ learning with this attempt. An example of a classroom accommodation for an ADHD student is seating them close to the teacher and away from windows and doors. This is a valid accommodation because such students need their assistance and exceptional care of their teachers at all times, and; therefore, their educators should be there (Friend & Bursuck, 2006). An improvement that could be made is for instance letting the ADHD the student run an occasional errand for his/her educator. This can assist the hyperactive child burn off the unwanted energy. Finally, a common classroom accommodation for gifted or talented students is through grouping them together or with higher-level learners (Friend & Bursuck, 2006). However, I think that teachers should never group gifted learners with lower-level learners for remediation because, if so, then the student might start questioning his gift or talent. This classroom accommodation can be improved throu gh encouraging learners thoroughly to study concepts and support independent investigations or studies (Friend & Bursuck, 2006). From this research, I learned that many students have unique needs, and it is the work of the educator to travel around these needs and learn how the educationally deal with such

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

India of My Dreams Essay Example for Free

India of My Dreams Essay Long years ago, we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom With these words of Pandit Nehru, on 15th August at the stroke of the midnight hour India declared itself independent from the British rule. As the Union Jack was being brought down and the Indian tricolor flew up the hopes and aspiration of the Indian founding fathers were completed. Sixty years after the birth of this massive and diverse nation though there has been considerable progress, the overall picture of life in the country is depressing. With increasing prices and growing unemployment, the common man remains as poor as he had been. Though education has spread, its standard and quality have received a set back. Nor is the political scene very encouraging. While the working of democracy is not satisfactory, the forces of religion, provincialism and linguism pose a threat to the unity of the country. Our leaders lack the qualities of idealism, integrity and self sacrifice, which were abundantly in evidence during the days of the struggle for freedom. In this bleak situation, it is natural for the youth of the country to have a vision of a stronger India. In the same way I have a vision too – a fearless, strong, self reliant India. I visualize my country way ahead of other nations all round the globe in every aspect, whether its development in any field or showing its military might or being a fore-runner in technological advancement, skills and prosperity. I visualize India being a country that will provide equality of opportunity to one and all irrespective of caste, creed, and sex. A place that will provide optimum scope for development of latent skills of an individual and then to use it for the welfare of the nation. I strive for such a country wherein the poorest of the poor feel that this is his country in building which his voice has its due importance. I wish for a constitution, which will release India from all thraldom and patronage, and give her, if needed, the right to sin. I dream of a nation where nobody is illiterate and nobody sleeps hungry, where there is no distinction on the basis of genre, religion or caste, where justice to a common man is neither denied or deleted, where corruption in public life does not exist, where criminals do not occupy ministerial berths nor enter legislative assemblies, where merit counts in every sphere of life, where jobs cannot be purchased, where criminals have to spend the rest of their lives behind the bars and where the intellectuals like Amartya Sen do not have to leave the countrys shore for higher research and recognition. Today India is grappling with divided states, poverty, and population on the one hand and a mà ©lange of languages, traditions, festivals, religions, cultures which poses a problem but my vision for India is a country where the Kirtans from Gurudwaras, and Azan from Mosques, the Bhajans from Temples and chiming of the bells from churches merge and mingle and produce a harmonious, melodious, tune of humanity. I dream of a casteless and a perfect India of which all Indians can be truly proud of. My vision of India may sound like a dreamers agenda but the day every Indian citizen realizes his responsibility towards his country my vision would be reality. At last I would like to conclude with the words of Sir Rabindranath Tagore: WHERE the mind is without fear and the head is held high Where knowledge is free Where the world has not been broken up into fragments By narrow domestic walls Where words come out from the depth of truth Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection Where the mind is led forward by thee Into ever-widening thought and action Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.