Friday, February 14, 2020

Strategic Business Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Strategic Business Communication - Essay Example In addition, analysis of the truthtm campaign demonstrated that it was positively correlated with reductions in the smoking behavior of youths and young adults (Thrasher et al. 2004). Unfortunately, scholars have also noted that the effectiveness of other campaigns has been more modest. For example, Hankin, Sloan, and Sokol (1998) conclude that the utility of warning labels in reducing alcohol consumption during pregnancy was only slightly effective, and a review of the effectiveness of several state antismoking advertising campaigns found that several campaigns had mixed or even ineffective results (Pechmann and Reibling 2000).† (Rucker and Petty, 39) â€Å"†¦it is essential to consider whether the audience is disposed to scrutinize the information carefully or inclined to process the message in a more peripheral manner (Step 1). Second, it is important to evaluate message characteristics and, when possible, to design the message to contain information that will be persuasive on the basis of the audience’s elaboration level (Step 2). Third, it is necessary to consider whether the goal of the message is to create an enduring attitude change or simply an immediate attitude change (Step 3). Fourth, it is important to evaluate fit among audience elaboration likelihood, message characteristics, and message objectives both conceptually (Step 4) and empirically (Step 5). Finally, if there is a discrepancy between the audience elaboration level and the message characteristics or the goals of the message, it is necessary to consider how to remedy this mismatch (Step 6).† (Rucker and Petty, 40) â€Å"Consider the development of an antismoking television commercial that is designed to advocate parents talking to their children about drug use. The message might feature celebrities telling parents to talk to their children, but it might not provide or disclose the specific benefits of having such conversations† ( Rucker and Petty, 48) â€Å"three key

Saturday, February 1, 2020

The Beveridge Report of 1942 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Beveridge Report of 1942 - Essay Example These payments were recommended to be used to pay benefits to the poor and unemployed. In this way, the Beveridge Report argued for a universal welfare system where the care of people will be the responsibility of the state. Such a welfare system was never suggested before in the country and therefore this particular recommendation holds great value in history. In the Beveridge Report, it was also recommended that revolutionary measures were required to solve problems that were in front of the country. The report also called for an end to â€Å"sectional interests† (Beveridge Report Executive Summary, 1942, 7) and argued for a system that treated everyone equally. The report recommended that it was time to grow past philosophy of inequality and to treat everyone equally. This was another ponderous recommendation of the Beveridge Report. The report also called for a health care system of a public nature that will offer free health service to all the citizens of the country (BBC, 1942). This was also a unique recommendation given in the report. Such a system had never been proposed by anyone in the country before. Another important recommendation of the Beveridge Report was that there should be a balance between the role of state and the individual citizen. The report made it clear that it was not arguing in favor of communism as it acknowledged the right of an individual to earn more than that is required for him and his family (Beveridge Report Executive Summary, 1942, 9). This was another important recommendation that differentiated the reforms suggested from communist ideas. A person was free to live an economic life but had an obligation towards the state in the form of insurance payments and other payments, in the return of which state promised free health care, unemployment, and other necessary benefits.